
We produce chairs to make Mammography procedures as easy as possible; developed with patient comfort, accessibility and operator use in mind

Cardiff Chair

The Cardiff is a purpose-built mammography chair developed with patient comfort, accessibility and operator use in mind. It is designed for breast imaging, biopsy, and stereotactic procedures. 

VELA Chair

Clinically designed mammography chairs specifically for positioning during mammography examinations, the VELA is crafted to provide the most optimal working conditions for the mammographer and contributing to higher image quality.

Autotilt SIGMA ITU/CCU Chair

Knight Imaging supply three Autotilt chairs that have been specifically designed for the ITU/CCU environment. Our Critical Care Chairs offer easy patient movement and positioning, with a specialised feature set for different patient weights. Included in our range are the Sigma 135, 250 and 300 critical care chairs.